Resources for SDA residents

This page includes important documents, forms and useful resources for specialist disability accommodation (SDA).

Starting an SDA agreement with your provider - flow chart

Starting an agreement with your SDA provider. Full text version available below


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Starting an agreement with your SDA provider - flow chart text version

For more information about your renting rights and responsibilities in specialist disability accommodation (SDA), call 1300 40 43 19 or visit

Step 1

Your provider gives you an SDA agreement OR a residential tenancy agreement.

Step 2

Your provider gives you the information statement that matches your agreement.

Step 3

Your provider explains the information statement to you. Your support person can also help you understand it.

Step 4

You have seven days to think about the agreement.

Step 5

You and your provider enter into OR establish the agreement after seven days.

Step 6

Your provider gives you a copy of the signed agreement before you move in.

Related links

Last updated: 27 March 2021