Selective School Test and Scholarship Test Preparing Specialist

Selective School Test and Scholarship Test Preparing Specialist Selective School Test and Scholarship Test Preparing Specialist Selective School Test and Scholarship Test Preparing Specialist Selective School Test and Scholarship Test Preparing Specialist Selective School Test and Scholarship Test Preparing Specialist

ACER Scholarship Test Preparation

Ready to help your child get the highest score they can?

Purchase an ACER Scholarship Test Preparation Package

Purchase an ACER Scholarship Test Preparation Package

Purchase an ACER Scholarship Test Preparation Package

Sign up a 1-on-1 ACER Scholarship Test Prep Class

Purchase an ACER Scholarship Test Preparation Package

Purchase an ACER Scholarship Test Preparation Package

ACER Scholarship Test Online Practice Pack (1200 questions)

$97 for 12 months access

- Secure online access for 12 months

- 1200 high-quality questions

This package consists of 1200 questions, to assist students to prepare for ACER Scholarship Test in order to be awarded with a scholarship.

- Mathematical Reasoning tests (240 questions)

- Reading Comprehension tests (240 questions)

- Numerical Reasoning tests (240 questions)

- Verbal Reasoning tests (240 questions)

- Abstract Reasoning tests (240 questions)

Click here for some screenshots of our online student testing site

Click here for a Sample Exam Diagnostic Analysis Report

Click here for Sample Questions with Answers and Explanations

- Secure online access valid for 365 days gives your child plenty of time to refine their skills.

- Challenging questions to help your child to get familiar with the types of questions asked, level of difficulty, speed at which to work with a variety of different questions.

- Detailed diagnostic reports to help you and your child to instantly identify which components of the exam they are struggling with and which specific areas they should be devoting their precious study time.

- Proven to be a great way to assist your child with time management during the exam.

- Get instantly notified about the exam result achieved by your child and access the performance report to ensure your child is making good progress.

- Your purchased questions are mobile-friendly and are designed to work across all types of browsers on any type of device - Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad or Android.

Success Secured with Ultimate Test Preparation Solution

Book a Free Trial Selective Style Test

Get access to a Free Trial Selective Style Test to check if your child is exam-ready. No payment details required.

Preparing ACER Scholarship Test 1-on-1 Tutoring Classes

1.5 hour 1-on-1 Classes Tutored by Adam Yu, Founder and Principal Tutor, 20+ Years Experience

* Cost starting from $80 for each 1.5 hour 1-on-1 class depending on student's academic year level and type of exam prepared.

This invaluable tuition program is ideal for students who aspire to excel in the Selective School Tests in Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, as well as the Scholarship Tests offered by ACER and EduTest.

Our classes are highly interactive, giving your child an opportunity to ask questions in real time and discuss challenging questions they find difficult.

Each class is 1.5 hours (90 minutes) long, delivered online (ZOOM) and will cover all sections and all subjects as required in the test, including

- Written Expression

- Reading Comprehension

- Mathematical Reasoning

- Verbal Reasoning

- Numerical Reasoning

- Abstract Reasoning

- Thinking Skills

- Problem Solving and Exam Techniques

- Review and discuss student’s areas of focus

- Review previous session's assigned practice questions

- Set learning goal for the current session

- Work through exercises based on the topics and concepts for the learning goal

- Tutor demonstrates, guides and explains concepts

- Work though any challenges

- Reflect on what has been achieved in the current session

- Q&A

- Assign practice questions that shall be reviewed in the following session

Homework is assigned to the student after each class.

Classes can be delivered during school holiday upon parent's request.

Places are limited, so Enrol Now to avoid missing out!

Hi, My Name is Adam Yu

Founder and Principal Tutor

Master of Science

Master of Engineering

20+ years Tutoring Experience.

I love nothing more than to see a student realise that they are able to do their work… and even enjoy it! I love tutoring because it gives me a chance to use the skills I have to help children meet their own goals, and to get excited about their options for life after school.

I hold a Master’s degree in Engineering (Singapore) and another Master's degree in Science (USA). I had worked extensively with top teaching and training organisations worldwide in the USA, Singapore and Australia for more than 20 years.

I worked as Senior Business Analyst for Australia local government and Project Management Professional (PMP) before I started Aussin Tutoring, a business fully supported by my family including my daughter Debbie who is the top award winner at her school.

Results Guaranteed! Over two decades I have successfully coached my students with more than half of them get into their dream schools and desired learning programs. Throughout the years, I have developed my own strategic and focused approaches which empower the success of my students. - Adam Yu

Most Effective Approaches that Lead to Strategic Outcomes

Understand the Exam Format

Create a Study Plan that Works

Understand the Exam Format

Help students familiarize with the specific structure, format and content of different exams including number of sections, type of questions and time constraints.

Provide Relevant Resources

Create a Study Plan that Works

Understand the Exam Format

Offer a variety of resources, including practice exams, and online materials that cover the topics relevant to the exam. Ensure that these resources align with the exam syllabus.

Create a Study Plan that Works

Create a Study Plan that Works

Create a Study Plan that Works

Help students create a realistic study plan that covers all sections of the exam. Encourage them to allocate time for each subject, focusing on areas where they may need improvement.

Practice Under Timed Conditions

Practice Under Timed Conditions

Create a Study Plan that Works

Provide ample practice materials and encourage students to work on sample questions and full-length practice exams under timed conditions.

Teach Time Management Skills

Practice Under Timed Conditions

Build Critical Thinking Skills

Train students to manage their time effectively during the exam. Emphasize the importance of pacing themselves and not getting stuck on difficult questions.

Build Critical Thinking Skills

Practice Under Timed Conditions

Build Critical Thinking Skills

Encourage students to think critically, analyze questions carefully, and apply logical reasoning to arrive at solutions.

Address Weak Areas and Strengthen Skills

Address Weak Areas and Strengthen Skills

Address Weak Areas and Strengthen Skills

Identify individual students' weak areas, provide targeted support and focus on strengthening specific skills in those areas.

Build Confidence and Emotional Support

Address Weak Areas and Strengthen Skills

Address Weak Areas and Strengthen Skills

Encourage a positive mindset and help build confidence. Remind students of their strengths, acknowledge their efforts, and celebrate small achievements along the way.

My Success Stories

from Neet Singh, Mother of Armann

"Adam is an excellent tutor! My son Armann had learned and tried out new competencies that are needed to succeed in the competitive exams through which he not only secured his school scholarship but was also offered a place in Perth Modern School! It has been a life changing experience for him and I can't thank Adam enough for mentoring my son through this process. I am very grateful!"

from Daniela Ciutina, Mother of Stefan

"We are very happy with the entire service provided by Aussin Tutoring. The fact that our son (Stefan) was able to take in so much to prepare for GATE test from subject matter, examination tips and practice exams. He was successful in his aim to gain entry into Perth Modern School and now has the best opportunity to achieve his goals in life. We believe it was his time with Aussin Tutoring which made the difference and we are very grateful for all they did for Stefan."

from Ilya Levichkin, Father of Antonina

"Dear Adam, Antonina has received an invitation to enter Perth Modern. Thank you very much for your tutoring and support! We really appreciate what you did for Antonina and our family are valuing your contribution very much!"

from Pranav Patni, Father of Aum

"Hi, Adam! Aum got admission in Carine Senior High School under GATE program. We want to thank you for your teaching and advice to him. Without your efforts, this would not have been possible for us!"

from Shital Shah, Mother of Soham and Aaditya

"Hi, Adam! Good news. Soham got good score and received offer from Perth Modern School for year 7 entry, and my another son Aaditya got offer from Shenton College for year 9 entry. Thanks for guiding and teaching both of them!"

from Resmi Santhosh, Mother of Ansel

"Hi, Adam. Just want to share the good news with you. Ansel's got offer of placement in GATE exam at Willetton Senior High School! We want to thank you for all your effort in helping Ansel! Thank you so much."

from Gaurav Sharma, Father of Om

"Hi Adam, just let you know that my son Om has got an offer for Melville Senior High School GATE program which is one of our preferences. So yeah. he is happy and many thanks to you!"

from Edward, Father of Amy

"Dear Adam, thanks for your help and support! My daughter Amy used your service early this year and she received an offer to study in Perth Modern next February. Cheers! Edward"

Grace Lim, Year 9, Student of the Month

"My experience with Aussin Coaching and Tutoring Academy has been quite beneficial on my part. In both English and Maths subjects, I have become more confident in tackling areas where I had previously been unsatisfied with my own performance. My writing and thought process has sped up in a short time. Additionally my progress in Maths has improved and my understanding learned on Saturdays helped me greatly in tests. I think I am excelling in my studies and my overall performance has improved!"

Mother of Adam Xavier, Year 3, Student of the Month

"On behalf of my son Adam Xavier, I would like to thank Adam Yu and other Aussin Coaching and Tutoring Services teachers for teaching him and making him understand better. Adam has improved a lot in English and Maths. He loves coming for classes. Thank you once again for all your guidance. Just to mention at the beginning of the school term Adam secured an honour certificate for achieving a perfect score in Maths."

Mother of Lani Turnbull, Year 6, Student of the Month

"Thank you Adam and your wonderful team!! We are so proud of Lani and hard work she is putting in and the results that are being achieved."

Mother of Kamron Sandu, Year 10, Student of the Month

"I would like to thank Aussin Coaching and Tutoring Academy for the difference it has made in my son's life. Kamron always approached maths with an ‘It’s too hard’ attitude. Since attending the classes Kamron is more confident in his approach. This is evident in his midterm results and his whole approach to learning. I would strongly recommend Adam and his team to my family and friends. You've done a great job!"

Ready to help your child get the highest score they can?

At Aussin Tutoring, we have helped our students gain entry into top selective schools as well as succeed in a multitude of scholarship exams and we will do everything to help you achieve your goals. Team up with us today to experience the difference!