Establishment of the British Rule in India: Timeline and Impact- Complete UPSC Notes

Everything You Need To Know About British Rule In India

Everything You Need To Know About British Rule In India

The economic situation of India before British Rule

Society of India before British Rule

The British Conquest of Bengal

Everything You Need To Know About British Rule In India

The situation of Bengal on the eve of the British conquest

The Battle of Plassey (1757)

In 1756, young Siraj-ud-Daulah succeeded his grandfather as the Nawab of Bengal. He immediately identified that the British were misusing the Farukh Siyar’s farman to run even private trade tax-free. This led to a lot of leakage in revenue.

He took a series of steps that ensured that the conflict with the British was eminent.

Causes for the Battle of Plassey:

Reasons for the Nawab’s discontent