Creating Last Chance Agreements

Last chance agreements (LCAs) have become a key tool for both employers and employees when attempting to resolve issues and come to a positive outcome. What is an LCA? It’s a legally binding contract between employer and employee - offering the latter a ‘last chance’ to remain employed on certain conditions, such as additional training or reduced hours of work. These LCAs are beneficial for both parties, providing clarity, certainty and the opportunity to save time and money should any dispute arise. But even more than that, LCAs help maintain a respectful workplace atmosphere where employers show they’re willing to invest in their workforce; this fosters trust between all parties which is essential for productivity.

If you’re considering implementing an LCA but don’t know where to start, Genie AI provides free easy-to-customise template agreements alongside step-by-step guidance so that anyone can create high quality legal documents without spending money on lawyers or wasting time trying figure out how it all works - no Genie AI account required! All you need is access to the world’s largest open source legal template library; our millions of data points teach us what makes up a market standard agreement. So why not read on below for more information on how you can access our library today?


Last Chance Agreement (LCA): A legally binding contract between an employer and an employee who is at risk of being terminated.

Relevant state and federal labor and employment laws: Laws that govern the workplace and must be followed while creating an LCA.

Fair Labor Standards Act: Sets the minimum wage and overtime pay requirements.

Family and Medical Leave Act: Provides job-protected leave for employees.

Occupational Safety and Health Act: Regulates safety and health in the workplace.

Equal Pay Act: Prohibits pay discrimination based on gender.

Reprimand or suspension: A less severe form of discipline can still be effective in correcting the employee’s behavior.

Last Warning Agreements (LWAs): Similar to Last Chance Agreements, but used in less severe situations.

Early Intervention Programs (EIPs): Designed to help employees improve their performance or behavior before it becomes a problem.

Training and Development Programs (TDPs): Designed to help employees develop their skills and knowledge in order to improve their performance and behavior.

Formal record: A copy of the agreement, as well as any supporting documentation such as performance reviews or disciplinary action.

Secure location: A place to store the agreement in order to keep it confidential and away from unauthorized individuals.


  1. Overview of Last Chance Agreements
  2. Definition, Purpose and Benefits
  3. Understanding the Legal Requirements for Last Chance Agreements
  4. Research and review relevant state and federal laws
  5. Familiarize yourself with key labor and employment laws
  6. Crafting a Last Chance Agreement
  7. Terms and Conditions
    #1. Clearly define the terms and conditions in writing
    #1. Include a timeline for the agreement
    #1. Identify the consequences of non-compliance
    #1. Include signature blocks for both parties
  8. Implementing and Monitoring Last Chance Agreements
  9. Distribute the agreement to the employee
  10. Train and educate supervisors on the agreement
  11. Provide the employee with a copy of the signed agreement
  12. Monitor the employee’s performance and progress
  13. Potential Consequences of Breach of a Last Chance Agreement
  14. Termination of employment
  15. Loss of wages or benefits
  16. Civil or criminal penalties
  17. Alternatives to Last Chance Agreements
  18. Reprimand or suspension
  19. Last Warning Agreements
  20. Early Intervention Programs
  21. Training and Development Programs
  22. Documenting the Last Chance Agreement
  23. Create a formal record of the agreement
  24. Store the agreement in a secure location
  25. Reviewing Last Chance Agreements
  26. Periodically review the agreement
  27. Consider revising the agreement if needed
  28. Update the agreement if any changes occur
  29. Communicating the Last Chance Agreement
  30. Ensure the employee understands the agreement
  31. Explain the consequences of non-compliance
  32. Finalizing the Last Chance Agreement
  33. Have the employee sign the agreement
  34. File the original agreement in a secure location

Get started

Overview of Last Chance Agreements

When you can check this off your list:
Once you understand the overview of Last Chance Agreements, you can move on to the next step.

Definition, Purpose and Benefits

Understanding the Legal Requirements for Last Chance Agreements

Research and review relevant state and federal laws

Familiarize yourself with key labor and employment laws

When you have a good understanding of the key labor and employment laws, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of crafting a Last Chance Agreement.

Crafting a Last Chance Agreement

Once you have consulted with a labor and employment attorney, drafted the Last Chance Agreement, specified the probationary period and disciplinary actions, obtained the employee’s signature and filed the agreement with your HR team, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Terms and Conditions

Clearly define the terms and conditions in writing

You will know you have completed this step when all the terms and conditions have been written out clearly and comprehensively.

Include a timeline for the agreement

Identify the consequences of non-compliance

Include signature blocks for both parties

Implementing and Monitoring Last Chance Agreements

Once you have distributed the signed agreement to the employee and are monitoring their progress, you can move on to the next step.

Distribute the agreement to the employee

Train and educate supervisors on the agreement

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

Provide the employee with a copy of the signed agreement

Monitor the employee’s performance and progress

Once you’ve monitored the employee’s performance and progress, you can check this step off the list and move on to the next step.

Potential Consequences of Breach of a Last Chance Agreement

Termination of employment

Check off when: All of the above steps have been completed and the termination agreement has been signed.

Loss of wages or benefits

Civil or criminal penalties

Alternatives to Last Chance Agreements

Reprimand or suspension

Last Warning Agreements

• Draft a Last Warning Agreement: This should include the employee’s acknowledgement of the issue and their agreement to take the necessary steps to change their behaviour, as well as a timeline for when progress should be seen.

• Present the Last Warning Agreement to the employee: During this meeting, make it clear that any failure to adhere to the terms of the agreement can result in further disciplinary action.

• Follow-up with the employee: Keep in regular contact with the employee to ensure they are taking the necessary steps to improve their behaviour.

• Document any progress or lack thereof: Document any progress made by the employee, as well as any lack thereof, throughout the process.

• Take the appropriate disciplinary action: If the employee does not show any improvement, take the necessary disciplinary action in accordance with the company’s policies.

You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the employee has either improved their behaviour or been terminated due to failure to comply with the Last Warning Agreement.

Early Intervention Programs

Training and Development Programs

Once all of the above steps are complete, you can move on to the next step of Documenting the Last Chance Agreement.

Documenting the Last Chance Agreement

Create a formal record of the agreement

Store the agreement in a secure location

Reviewing Last Chance Agreements

Periodically review the agreement

Consider revising the agreement if needed

Update the agreement if any changes occur

Communicating the Last Chance Agreement

Ensure the employee understands the agreement

Explain the consequences of non-compliance

Finalizing the Last Chance Agreement

Have the employee sign the agreement

File the original agreement in a secure location


Q: What is the difference between a Last Chance Agreement and a Settlement Agreement?

Asked by Jaxon on June 3rd 2022.
A: Last Chance Agreements (LCAs) and Settlement Agreements (SAs) have one big difference: while LCAs are a warning to an employee that they are in breach of contract and could face further disciplinary action if they do not improve, SAs are used to terminate a contract of employment. Think of an LCA as a pre-emptive measure and an SA as final action. However, both documents can be used to record agreed changes in an employee’s rights and obligations, the payment of compensation, and the terms upon which an employee’s employment is ended.

Q: What kind of language should I use in my Last Chance Agreement?

Asked by Asher on October 1st 2022.
A: When drafting a Last Chance Agreement, it is important to choose language that is clear and unambiguous. It should be written in plain English, without any jargon or legalese, so that all parties understand the agreement. It should also be direct and specific; all of the terms agreed upon should be included, as well as the consequences if any of those terms are not met. Lastly, it should be reasonable; for example, you may want to include confidentiality clauses, but these should not be restrictive enough to unduly limit legitimate activities by the employee.

Q: What is the legal standing of Last Chance Agreements?

Asked by Abigail on April 10th 2022.
A: In most jurisdictions, Last Chance Agreements are considered legally binding contracts. This means that if either party fails to abide by their obligations as set out in the agreement, they may face legal action from the other party in order to enforce the agreement. Therefore it is important that both parties thoroughly read and understand the agreement before signing it. Additionally, it is also important to ensure that each party has independent legal advice before signing a Last Chance Agreement in order to protect their interests.

Q: Are there any restrictions on who can sign Last Chance Agreements?

Asked by Gabriel on March 7th 2022.
A: Generally speaking, Last Chance Agreements can only be signed by employees who have reached the age of majority in their jurisdiction (usually 18). Furthermore, they must have full capacity to understand and agree to the terms of the agreement; this means they must have a basic understanding of what they are signing and must not have been coerced into signing it. Additionally, employers must take care to ensure that Last Chance Agreements do not violate any anti-discrimination laws or other employment laws in their jurisdiction when drafting them for their employees.

Q: What happens if an employee breaches a Last Chance Agreement?

Asked by Elijah on December 12th 2022.
A: If an employee breaches a Last Chance Agreement then the employer may choose to pursue disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. This is because Last Chance Agreements are legally binding contracts; therefore if one party does not abide by its terms then the other party may take steps to enforce it. It is important for employers to obtain legal advice before taking such action however; this will ensure that all necessary steps are taken correctly and that any action taken is fair and reasonable in light of the breach committed by the employee.

Q: How long does a Last Chance Agreement usually last?

Asked by Mia on August 6th 2022.
A: The length of time that a Last Chance Agreement lasts will depend on its terms; however typically they will last for six months or less. During this period both parties should monitor progress towards meeting the goals set out in the agreement and review them regularly to ensure that they remain relevant and achievable. It is important that both parties have realistic expectations when entering into such an agreement as failure to meet its goals can lead to further disciplinary action being taken against the employee in question.

Q: Are there any restrictions on what can be included in a Last Chance Agreement?

Asked by Michael on November 4th 2022.
A: Yes, there are certain restrictions on what can be included in a Last Chance Agreement; these vary depending on jurisdiction but generally speaking any provisions included must not breach any relevant employment laws or anti-discrimination laws in force at the time that it is drafted or signed. Additionally, all terms must be reasonable in order for them to be enforceable; for example, employers cannot include clauses which unreasonably restrict an employee’s right to work elsewhere during their period of employment under the agreement or which unreasonably limit their rights upon termination or expiry of their contract with their current employer.

Q: Are there any specific requirements which must be included when creating a Last Chance Agreement?

Asked by Emma on May 15th 2022.
A: Yes, there are certain requirements which must be included when creating a Last Chance Agreement; these vary depending on jurisdiction but typically they will include details about who has signed it (including names and job titles), when it was signed (including dates), what actions are covered by its terms and conditions (including any performance targets), what happens if those targets are not met (including possible outcomes) and how long it will last (including start date). Additionally employers may wish to include clauses about confidentiality or dispute resolution processes within their agreements too depending on their particular circumstances.

Q: Can I use existing templates when creating my own Last Chance Agreement?

Asked by Noah on July 24th 2022.
A: Yes, you can use existing templates when creating your own Last Chance Agreement; however you should always check with your lawyer first before using them as such templates may not necessarily comply with all relevant laws applicable in your jurisdiction or match your particular circumstances exactly. Additionally, while templates can provide helpful guidance they cannot replace proper legal advice so always consult your lawyer prior to signing any agreement of this kind no matter what template you choose to use if any at all!

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of Last Chance Agreement:

Templates available (free to use)

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