Before you can make changes to a building or occupy premises in our area, you may need to lodge a DA.
Development applications Make changes to a development application after the City of Sydney has given approval
A section 4.55 application is required to modify development consent.A section 603 certificate shows the rates status of a site. A section 10.7 zoning certificate shows planning and other controls that apply to a piece of land.
Development applications How to prepare your development application Getting your preparation right means you’re likely to have a smooth approval process. Development applications Check the document requirements for your development application Learn which plans and supporting documents you need to provide with your development application. Development applications Get advice from the City of Sydney for your development We can provide guidance for your proposed works. Development applications Gain exemption from requiring development consent for heritage works You may still need to notify us about minor or maintenance works to local heritage items or buildings within heritage conservation areas.
Development applications Lodge a development application Approval may be required for changes to your home or business site in our area. Development applications Comment on or object to a development proposal How to prepare feedback on a development or outdoor dining proposal in the City of Sydney local area.
Rates & payments Check or change a rate category or certificate How to apply to have your property re-categorised, find out about mixed development land, postponed rates and combining the ‘lots’ on your rates notice.
Development applications Make changes to a development application after the City of Sydney has given approval
A section 4.55 application is required to modify development consent. Development applications Determine which planning controls apply within the City of Sydney’s area Different policies and consent authorities apply across the city. Development applications Prepare a cost summary report with your development application Consent fees are based on the value of works proposed. Development applications Provide owner’s consent when making a development application If a person making the application is not the only registered owner of the land, written consent of all other registered owners is required.
Building certification Get approval to carry out minor development A complying development certificate can be determined by the City of Sydney or private certifier without the need for a full development application.
Development applications Extend your business trading hours We need to assess the impact of a change to operating times.Development applications Find the consent authority for development applications within the City of Sydney's area
Planning authorities include the City of Sydney, Central Sydney Planning Committee and the NSW Planning Minister.
Development applications How to commission or create street art on a property in the city With the landowner's consent and painted or marked outside of a building visible from a public place.
Development applications Change an item on the state heritage register or under an interim heritage order
To cut red tape and reduce assessment timeframes, the Heritage Council of NSW has delegated a range of functions to the City of Sydney.
Development applications Guidance on sustainable development Incorporating general design features during the planning and construction stages of development can reduce resource use and improve a building’s operational efficiency.
Development applications Prepare a design for environmental performance report This template replaces environmental sustainability reports and enables you to demonstrate compliance with relevant planning controls.
Development applications Ask for a review of a development application decision A City of Sydney-appointed panel can review determinations that have been made. Development applications Disclose a political donation or gift Offerings to City of Sydney councillors, their party, employees or contractors must be declared when making or commenting on a planning application.