Testing tools for Android context-aware applications: a systematic mapping

Mobile devices, such as smartphones, have increased their capacity of information processing and sensors have been aggregated to their hardware. Such sensors allow capturing information from the environment in which they are introduced. As a result, mobile applications that use the environment and user information to provide services or perform context-based actions are increasingly common. This type of application is known as context-aware application. While software testing is an expensive activity in general, testing context-aware applications is an even more expensive and challenging activity. Thus, efforts are needed to automate testing for context-aware applications, particularly in the scope of Android, which is currently the most used operating system by smartphones.


This paper aims to identify and discuss the state-of-the-art tools that allow the automation of testing Android context-aware applications.


In order to do so, we carried out a systematic mapping study (SMS) to find out the studies in the existing literature that describe or present Android testing tools. The discovered tools were then analyzed to identify their potential in testing Android context-aware applications.


A total of 68 works and 80 tools were obtained as a result of the SMS. From the identified tools, five are context-aware Android application testing tools, and five are general Android application testing tools, but support the test of the context-aware feature.


Although context-aware application testing tools do exist, they do not support automatic generation or execution of test cases focusing on high-level contexts. Moreover, they do not support asynchronous context variations.


Mobile applications have become more than entertainment stuff in our lives. Such applications have become increasingly pervasive in such a way that humans are quite dependent on mobile devices and their applications. According to the research conducted by the Statistics web site portal [1], the number of mobile users can reach the five billion mark by 2019.

While mobile applications have been developed primarily for the entertainment industry, they are now touching more critical sectors such as payment systems. The exponential growth of this market and the criticality of system development demands greater attention to the reliability aspects of applications of these mobile devices. As demonstrated in some studies [2], [3], [4], mobile applications are not bug-free, and new software engineering approaches are required to test these applications [5].

Software testing is a commonly applied activity to assess whether a software behaves as expected. However, testing mobile applications can be challenging. Accordingly to Muccini et al. [4], mobile applications have a few peculiarities that make testing more difficult when compared to other kinds of computer software. Some of the peculiarities are connectivity, limited resources, autonomy, user interface, context-awareness, new operating systems updates, diversity of phones, and operating systems and touch screens.

Therefore, as the test difficulty increases, the demand for tools to automate the testing process of mobile applications also increases. Currently, most researchers’ and practitioners’ efforts in this area target the Android platform, for multiple reasons [6]: (a) At the moment, Android has the largest share of the mobile market (representing approximately 76% of the total of mobile operating system market share worldwide from June 2018 until June 2019 accordingly to the Statcounter Web Site [7]), which makes Android extremely appealing for industry practitioners; (b) as Android is installed in a range of different devices and has different releases, Android apps often suffer from cross-platform and cross-version incompatibilities, which makes manual testing of these apps particularly expensive and thus, particularly worth automating; and (c) Android is an open-source platform, which makes it a more suitable target for academic researchers, making it possible the complete access to both apps and the underlying operating system.

Nowadays, mobile devices are equipped with several sensors such as touch screen, compass, gyroscope, GPS, accelerometer, pedometer, and so on. These sensors make the development of context-aware applications possible. This paper considers context as any information that may characterize the situation of an entity. An entity can be defined as a person, a place, or an object that is relevant when considering the interaction between a user and an application [8]. A system is context-aware if it considers context information to perform its task of providing relevant information or services to a user [9]. Therefore, a context-aware application takes the information provided by the sensors to make relevant information or to direct its behavior.

This paper intends to identify tools capable of testing context-aware applications. Therefore, a systematic mapping study (SMS for short) was carried out in order to answer the following main research questions: (a) what are the Android testing tools published in the literature? And (b) what are the Android context-aware testing studies and tools published in the literature? From the answers to these research questions, we were able to analyze if the existing tools can test context-aware applications.

The SMS resulted in a total of 68 works. From them, we could see which are the research groups that work on Android application testing and which are more directly related to context awareness. Moreover, we identified 80 general Android testing tools. We analyzed these tools, identified which techniques are used mostly, which methods are implemented, which tools are available for download, and which tools are used mostly. Among the 80 general Android testing tools, we have identified five tools for testing Android context-aware applications and five tools for testing general Android applications, also allowing the testing of context-aware features. We have noticed that these tools are not able to automatically generate or execute test cases that use high-level context and that support asynchronous context variation.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the “Background and related work” section presents the main concepts needed to understand this paper and the related work. The “Research method” section describes how the SMS was conducted. The “Results” section and the “Analysis and discussion” section present the results of the SMS and expose our discussions about the found tools in the context-aware Android application testing field, respectively. Finally, the “Conclusions and future works” section concludes the paper.

Background and related work

This section presents the main concepts related to this work. Also, it presents related work that addresses problems and solutions of concepts that touch the objective of this paper.

Android operating system

Android is Google’s mobile operating system, and it is currently the world leader in this segment. Android is available for several platforms such as smartphones, tablets, TV (Google TV), watches (Android Wear), and glasses (Google Glass), cars (Android Auto), and it is the most widely used mobile operating system in the world.

Although Android applications are developed using the Java language, there is no Java virtual machine (JVM) in the Android operating system. In fact, until before the Android 4.4 (KitKat), what existed was a virtual machine called Dalvik, which is optimized to run on mobile devices. After that, Dalvik was replaced by ART (Android Runtime). Therefore, as soon as the bytecode (.class) is compiled, it is converted to the.dex (Dalvik Executable) format, which represents the compiled Android application. After that, the.dex files and other resources like images are compressed into a single.apk (Android Package File) file, which represents the final application. Android applications run on top of the Android framework, as can be seen in Fig. 1.

figure 1

Android has a set of core apps for calendars, email, contacts, text messaging, internet browsing, and so on. Included apps have the same status of installed apps so that any app can become a default app [10].

All features of the Android OS are available to developers through APIs written in the Java language. Android APIs allow developers to reuse central and modular system components and services, making it easier to develop Android applications. Furthermore, Android provides Java framework APIs to expose the functionality of native code that requires native libraries written in C and C++. For example, a developer can manipulate 2D and 3D graphics in his/her app through the Java OpenGL API of the Android framework by accessing OpenGL ES.

As already told, from Android 4.4 (KitKat), each app runs on its process and with its instance of the Android Runtime (ART). ART is designed to run multiple virtual machines on low-memory devices by executing DEX files, a bytecode format designed especially for Android that is optimized for minimal memory footprint.

The hardware abstraction layer (HAL) provides interfaces that give access to the hardware features of the device to the higher-level Java API framework such as the camera, GPS, or Bluetooth module. When a framework API makes a call to access the device hardware, the Android system loads the library module for that hardware component.

The Android platform was built based on the Linux kernel. For example, the Android Runtime (ART) relies on the Linux kernel for underlying functionalities such as threading and low-level memory management. Another advantage of the Linux kernel is the possibility of reusing the key security features and allowing device manufacturers to develop hardware drivers for a well-known kernel.

Android applications

Initially, Android applications were written only in Java and run on the top of the Android framework presented in the “Android operating system” section. After Google I/O 2017 [11], Android applications can be written using either Java or Kotlin Footnote 1 . An android application can be composed of four component categories: (a) activity, (b) broadcast receiver, (c) content provider, and (d) service.

  1. (a) Activities are focused on windows, and they are the only type of components that contain graphical user interfaces (GUI) in which the user interaction takes place; only one activity can be active at a time. Activities behavior are implemented in a.java file while the activities structure graphical interface are described in a.xml file.
  2. (b) Services run in the background and can perform long-running operations, e.g., an email client may check for new mails while users are running another application. Since they do not provide a user interface, Android testing tools do not directly test them.
  3. (c) Content providers are structured interfaces to shared data stores, such as contacts, photos, and calendar databases. Applications may have their own content providers and may make them available to other apps.
  4. (d) Broadcast receivers handles broadcast announcements. For example, an email client may receive a notification that the battery is low and, as a result, proceed to save email drafts.

There is a mandatory XML manifest file to build Android apps that provides information regarding their life cycle management.

Although Android applications are GUI-based and mainly written in Java, they differ from Java GUI applications, particularly by the kinds of bugs they can present [2, 12]. Existing test input generation tools for Java [13–15] cannot be directly used to test Android apps, and custom tools must be adopted instead. For this reason, the academic community has made a lot of effort to research Android application testing tools and techniques. Several test input generation techniques and tools for Android applications have been proposed [16–19].

Context-aware applications

The first mobile applications had desktop application features adapted for mobile devices. Muccini et al. [4] differentiate mobile applications into two sets: (a) traditional applications that have been rewritten to run on a mobile device, which are called App4Mobile, and (b) mobile applications that use context information to generate context-based output, called MobileApps. Thus, mobile applications have become, as time goes by, increasingly pervasive. Its behavior depends not only on user inputs but also on context information. Therefore, current applications are increasingly characterized as context-aware applications.

To better understand what a context-aware application is, it is first necessary to define what context is. Some authors consider the context to be the user’s environment, while others consider it to be the application’s environment. Some examples are as follows:

These definitions do not agree with each other and appear to be more author-specific definitions than a general definition of context. The definition most commonly accepted by several authors is the definition provided by Abowd et al.:

Besides being more general, this definition facilitates the understanding of what information can be considered as context information. The entities we identified as most relevant are places, people, and things. Places are regions of geographical space such as rooms, offices, buildings, or streets. People can be either individuals or groups, co-located or distributed. Things are either physical objects or software components and artifacts, for instance, an application or a file. The context information most commonly used by mobile applications is location, but there are several other types of context information that may be relevant to a mobile application such as temperature, brightness, time, date, mobile device tilt, geographic orientation (north, south, east, west), and so on.

Vaninha et al. [26] model context into four layers: low-level context, high-level context, situations, and scenario. In their model, context information is divided into two levels (low-level and high-level). Combinations of values of context information form situations and chronological sequences of situations form scenarios. Following the Vaninha et al. [26] model, we can divide context information into two levels: